


发布日期:2024-08-16 10:51    点击次数:105



As one of the most popular online games in the world, League of Legends (LOL) has attracted millions of players and fans worldwide. LOL has also become an e-sport, where professional teams compete in various championships and tournaments. In this article, we will focus on one of the most iconic LOL champions, the "e-sports dog" Gnar, and explore how this deceptively cute character has been a key factor in planning and winning competitive games.

Gnar's Background and Abilities

Gnar is a yordle, a small and furry creature in the LOL universe. Gnar's unique ability is to transform between two forms: Mini Gnar, where he is playful and agile, and Mega Gnar, a gigantic and powerful creature. Gnar's abilities in both forms are highly versatile and include skills such as explosive boomerang throws, boulder tosses and massive leaps. Gnar's transformation mechanic has made him a favourite pick in competitive LOL matches, allowing skilled players to adapt their strategies depending on the situation.

Gnar as a Strategic Pick

Gnar's transformation mechanic has made him a strategic pick for competitive games. Teams can draft Gnar in order to create a flexible team composition that can adapt to the changing situations of the game. In some cases, Gnar can be used as a counterpick to other champions that are less versatile. Gnar's ability to control the pace of fights, kite enemies, and create opportunities for his team through crowd control has made him a key factor in many successful strategies.

Gnar in Teamfights

Gnar's versatility and crowd control abilities make him a valuable asset in teamfights. Mini Gnar is particularly potent with his ability to kite enemies, dodge abilities and deal damage safely from a distance. Once Gnar has transformed into Mega Gnar, his crowd control abilities become even stronger and can allow him to stun multiple enemies at once. Gnar's ultimate ability, 'GNAR!', has a massive impact in teamfights, as it can disrupt the enemy team's positioning and allow Gnar's team to take control of the fight.

Gnar in Competitive Play

In competitive LOL matches, Gnar has been a popular pick and has been used to great effect by some of the top teams in the world. Gnar's versatility and strategic impact have made him a favourite among professional players, and teams have adapted their strategies to best utilise Gnar's abilities. For example, some teams have used Gnar as a split-pusher, allowing him to create pressure in one lane while the rest of the team applies pressure elsewhere. Other teams have used Gnar as a teamfight initiator, using his ultimate ability to engage and control the enemy team in fights.

Gnar's Influence on LOL E-sports

Gnar's strategic impact on competitive LOL play has been significant, and many teams have chosen to draft Gnar in their matches. Gnar's impact on e-sports has even extended beyond the game itself, as Gnar's popularity has led to the creation of merchandise such as t-shirts, plush toys, and other merchandise. Gnar's popularity among fans and players alike has helped to increase the profile of e-sports as a legitimate form of competition.


Gnar's versatility, strategic impact, and popularity have made him a key factor in many successful competitive LOL matches. Gnar's unique transformation mechanic, crowd control abilities, and ability to control the pace of fights have made him a go-to pick for many professional players. Gnar's impact on e-sports has also been significant, as his popularity has helped to increase the visibility and legitimacy of e-sports as a form of competition. As LOL e-sports continue to grow, we can expect that Gnar will continue to be a fan favourite and a valuable strategic pick for teams around the world.


Introduction As one of the most popular online games in the world, League of Legends (LOL) has attracted millions of players and fans worldwide. LOL has also become an e-sport, where professional teams compete in various championships and tournament